Terms of Use
Basic Terms
While using our application, you abide by the following terms:
- You will be liable for every activity that takes place within your user profile.
- You are responsible for protecting any password that you may use to access this app.
- No abuse, harassment, threats, impersonation, or bullying is allowed.
- This app should not be used for any unlawful or unlicensed purpose. If you are an international user, you are bound with local cyber laws of using, distributing content, and should follow online conduct.
- All information, text, data, screenname, photos, images, display, and post are your sole and primary responsibility.
- You should not use the content of any other app and implies that it is related to this app.
- No unwanted or illegitimate publicity, promotions, spam mail, channel lists, pyramid systems or any other type of request must be uploaded, posted or emailed, forwarded or otherwise made accessible to any User.
- You should not alter or interrupt this apps server or controlling channels such as the transfer of viruses, bugs and any other form of damage applied locally, stately, nationally or internationally.
- You should not deliberately or involuntarily violate any local, state, national, or foreign laws while using the app. Infringement of any of these contracts will lead in your app account being canceled. By using this app, you agree with the term that our application is not responsible for the content posted on the app by the user.
General Conditions
- At any moment and for any reason, we retain the right of modification or cancelling of our service without any notification.
- We retain the right of altering or revising the Terms of User at any moment. Your continued use of this app will account for your approval of such revisions or alterations.
- We retain the right to turn down our service for anyone with any realistic verdict. The material alteration will be decided in our sole discretion, in a good cause by means of the sensible verdict.
- We have no responsibilities of removing material or accounts, which contain material that in our sole discretion are illegal, disrespectful, defamatory, and menacing.
- This is a condition on your use of this app that you agree that we have the right of possessing, using, and publicizing the details gathered from this apps user collectively.
- We have the right of retrieving the usernames that are held under legal claims or trademarks and belongs to other businesses or individuals.
You are solely responsible for using this service. No warranties are offered with this service. This service is being offered on AS AVAILABLE basis. No claims could be made on the way it is performing or non-infringement.
You agree not to use this app to:
- Make any material accessible that is illegal, damaging, offensive, insulting, annoying, or else intolerable by sharing of links or else mailing;
- Make any content accessible that violates copyrighted content or encourages the infringement of intellectual property rights, which includes patents, trademarks or other intangible assets by transferring, sharing of links or otherwise mailing;
- Make available any uncertified or spontaneous promotional content, spam mail, pyramid schemes, or any other kind of unauthorized material by sharing of links or mailing;
- Falsely representing any other person or company and/or imitating any person or business, including our applications officials.
- Disagree with the procedures, or defy the requirements, policies, or guidelines associated with this app.
Discriminatory and Controversial Content
We never intend to hurt the feelings of any particular ethnic, religious, sexual, and other groups by sharing discriminatory and controversial content. We have a strict policy regarding the content, and every single piece of information goes through scrutiny. The content available on this application doesnt, in any way, intend to offend the sentiments. We dont support or provide content that is anti-sematic or against any particular ethnoreligious group. The content offered by our application doesnt discriminate or creates controversy based upon race, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual stereotypes, transgender status, age, status as a protected veteran, genetic information, or other applicable legally protected characteristics.
Content On This Application
The content on this application is made by a professional team and doesnt intend to copy anyones copyrighted material. All the content available on this application belongs to its creators and licensors.
The owner takes on its supreme effort to guarantee that the content provided on this application trespasses no applicable legal provisions or third-party rights. However, it may not always be conceivable to accomplish such a result.
In such scenarios, without being biased to any legal rights of users to enforce their rights, users are generously asked to first report related complaints using the contact details provided in this document. If any of our contents elements match the users copyrighted material, it will be entirely unintentional. If you think our content matches your copyrighted material, you can contact us and show the proof to get it removed.
The subscriptions of our app allow the subscribers to make use of the product constantly or regularly over a specified period of time.
The paid subscriptions begin on the day when the payment is received by us.
All users must maintain their subscriptions by ensuring to pay the recurring charges in a timely manner. Any user failing to do so may face service interruptions.
Billing Terms Via Apple ID
While subscribing to our app, the users can use the Apple ID associated with their App Store account and follow the purchase instructions given within this application. When subscribing to our app, the users acknowledge and accept that:
- All due payments are charged to the users Apple ID account;
- The users need to cancel their subscriptions at least 24 hours before the expiration of the current period. Otherwise, the subscriptions will be automatically renewed for the same duration;
- All kinds of fees or payments are charged within a 24-hour time period before its renewal;
- The users can manage or cancel their subscriptions in their Apple App Stores account settings.
Billing Terms Via Play Store
The users subscribing to our app can use their associated ID to Google Play Store account and follow the instructions to purchase the subscriptions given in this application. While buying a subscription to our app, the users abide by the following terms:
- The subscription payments are charged to the users Google Play Store Account;
- After the end of the trial period, the payments are charged automatically;
- The subscriptions are automatically renewed for the same plain if the users fail to cancel them at least 24-hour before the expiration of current plans.
- Any due payment for the renewal is charged within a 24-hosur time period before the end of the current subscription.
- The users can manage or cancel their subscriptions in their Google Play Store account settings.
Refund Policy
For App Store:
We do not retain any right of issuing a refund for in-app
purchases made on the App Store. To contact Apple is the only
way for receiving refunds of in-app purchases. The in-app
purchases are automatically renewed while you make it with App
Store. No amount is refundable in this scenario. Users of the
app are responsible for canceling the future resumption on the
App Store.
For Google Play Store:
You can get in touch with the developer of the App to ask about
the in-app purchase you have made, which isnt working properly,
or it has been more than 48 hours of your purchase and you want
a refund.
You can get in touch with Google Play website if you have
purchased an app or made an in-app purchase in less than 48
You can get help from the Google Assistant, you can ask for the
cancellation of an order, or refund.
If you uninstall a paid app shortly after installing it, you may
get an automatic refund. If you want to reinstall the app, then
you will not get a refund, and you will have to pay for it
The content on this app, including images, texts, and, videos are protected under copyright and trademark, so it will be illegal to use any of them without consent. Except for the content uploaded by the users, all the material available is the property of this app. The Terms of this app gives no one a right to using the apps name or any other information such as domain name, trademarks, templates, and other distinguishing features. We have the right to use your remarks, feedback, and recommendations regarding this app.